Room Block Closes March 19
Please remember to book your room by March 19 to take advantage of the Con room block. The link to the hotel is here.
Our First Guests!
221B Con is pleased to announce writer/illustrator/technologist Helen Greetham will be a guest in 2025. Her Sherlock Holmes video game “The Beekeeper’s Picnic” will be released on Steam in March 2025.
We also will be welcoming back The Atlanta Radio Theater Company with a new episode of their Lady Sherlock series.
Room Block Update - Feb 8
The room block is filling quickly, if you have not reserved your room, please do so. Some days only have king rooms open at this time. The room block will be closing at 5PM on March 19, 2025.
Dealer Registration has Closed
Dealer registration has closed. If you have already applied, we will be contacting you shortly via e-mail.
Hotel Rooms, Panel Suggestions, and Dealers Registration ALL OPEN!
Have you booked your room yet for 221B Con 2025? You can do so by visiting our Marriott Booking Page.
Want to suggest a panel for 221B Con? The Panel Suggestion form is now active. Please follow this link or find it in the 2025 Con link in the header.
Under the same header you can also apply to become a dealer at 221B Con.
Don’t forget to get your membership in the Store! We can’t wait to see you in April!
Join Us in 2025
Memberships for 2025 221B Con are now available in the Store. The link to reserve in the room block will be posted soon, watch this space for the announcement.
2024 Schedule is Live
Head on over to the 2024 Con section and check out the schedule for this year!
Get to planning!
We will see you in a few days!
221B Con 2024: All in One Stop
Hello Bees!
It’s that time again! Let’s get ready to return to The Hive.
Per your requests, we’ve changed some things up and made them, hopefully, easier to find here on the site. In the top menu you will now see 2024 Con. Here you can find a quick list of all the possible things you can do. Specifically, purchase a membership, book a room, become a dealer, sign up to volunteer, suggest a panel, sign up to be a panelist on some of the panels we hope to offer (which you can view here), and apply to be a guest.
In another change y’all requested, we are giving you a chance to actively participate in planning 221B Con 2024! Join us for any one or all three of our Zoom sessions where we talk about programming. Feel free to make suggestions of things you’d like us to include in the schedule— from presentations to events. Got that thing you’ve just been eager to talk about at 221B, now is the chance!
We’ll be adding a direct link in the 2024 Con drop down menu this week and posting them to our socials, but in the meantime, mark your calendars for Monday, December 11th and Thursday, December 14th both at 7:30pm EST, and Sunday, December 17th at 2:00pm EST.
2024 Pre-registration
May 16th, 2023
Pre-registrations is now open for our 2024 Convention! Join us in Atlanta, GA April 12th-14 at the Airport Marriott.
From now until December 31st, 2023, weekend passes are $45 each
“Come at once in convenient - if inconvenient come all the same”
2021 Virtual Schedule
Hello Bees! The 2021 Virtual Schedule is here! Check the schedule page for the full list of events.
2021 Panel Survey
Hi Bees!
It's time to fill out our 2021 Panel Survey! Please visit the link below to vote for which panels you might possibly see for 221B Con 2021. Remember: these are just possibilities! There will be guest panels and multiple breakout rooms for additional conversations and hanging out.
The 2021 Panel Survey is open until February 14th, then we will close and review the results of the survey. On February 17th we will release the list of the panels and open Panelist Applications.
221B Con 2021, 2022, an a general update
After waiting as long as we could to see the status of the COVID vaccines, not just in Georgia but across the globe, your beekeepers feel that it is in all of our best interest to take 221B Con 2021 virtual.
This will be a free event, however you will need to register through Zoom (but we will get to that in a minute). If you had a membership or dealers table in 2020 and did not request a refund, you will be on the list for 2022. If you have any questions or need a refund, please email or and we will be happy to help.
So how is virtual 221B Con going to work?
We will be able to offer a truncated schedule of panels and breakout rooms beginning Friday, April 9th at 6pm and concluding on Sunday, April 11th with Our Last Bow at 4pm.
From February 1st - 14th we will offer a survey that will allow you all to pick which panels you would like to see offered. There will also be virtual guest panels.
On February 17th, we will release the list of the panels and open Panelist Applications. These will be available to fill out through February 26th.
When March 1st hits we will release the schedule so that you may plan your 221B Con weekend and on March 22nd the Zoom registration forms will go online.
When it comes time, you can login via the Zoom link and join us for 221B Con 2021!
We’ll have more information as the weekend gets closer, including how the breakout/hangout rooms will work.
Now, onto 221B Con 2022 info!
We hope that you will all join us April 8th-10th 2022 back in the hive at the Atlanta Airport Marriott on Best Road.
To avoid any confusion, we will release the room block and open memberships shortly after the 2021 virtual con. So keep an eye out for that.
In the meantime, don’t be surprised if you come to the 221B Con website and things suddenly look different. We will be releasing a new site soon, complete with an online shop!
We’ve missed all of you very much and can’t wait to see you again.
Your Beekeepers xoxo
What's going on with 221B Con 2021?
Hello Bees!
We haven't forgotten about you and we promise things are happening behind the scenes. Sometime in the next few weeks we should have some new information about what 2021 is going to look like. Will we be meeting in person? Will we be going virtual? Will we get to feel the warm arms of hugging bees (with consent of course) this year? Will the fúdtruck come to my house and deliver me those delicious tacos? Well, maybe not the last one (I should probably get some breakfast).
In the meantime, be thinking about what you'd like to talk about this year. If you don't see it on the list of what we were going to offer in 2020, then feel free to email or fill out the form on the site and let us know.
Please continue to be safe out there. We miss you!
221B Con 2020 Cancelled
Due to the continuing international emergency related to coronavirus/COVID-19, we have decided to cancel 221B Con 2020.
We would like to thank the Atlanta Airport Marriott for working with us to avoid any cancellation fees. We know that this has been a stressful time for them as they have had to deal with many cancellations, not just ours. They have been nothing but supportive to us and have been a wonderful home for our con over the last few years. We are so pleased to be returning to them in 2021.
We will transfer all 2020 memberships to the 2021 convention automatically. If you prefer a full refund, we are happy to oblige. Please email us at to request a refund. If you want a refund, please let us know by June 1, so that we can get everything processed quickly.
All tickets for the Burlesque will be refunded automatically.
If you are a dealer, we will be happy to roll your payment over to next year as well. If you want a refund, please email us at before June 1.
Please take the time to cancel all travel arrangements and to contact the hotel to cancel your room reservations. If you are planning to come to the hotel, even though the con will not be happening, you should know that the hotel WILL NOT honor the original 221B Con room rate. You will be charged the regular room rate for the weekend.
We’d like to thank everyone for their amazing support while we worked through this unprecedented situation and figured out what we needed to do. The 221B community is the closest-knit and most wonderful con community in the world. We absolutely didn’t want to lose that and are so happy that we were able to work out a solution that will keep our con going.
The 2021 dates will be April 9-11. We will start selling memberships for 2021 again for anyone who has not registered for 2020 in the next few weeks.
We can’t wait to see everyone in 2021.
221B Con 2020 COVID-19/Coronavirus Action Plan
We understand that there is concern amongst our members about this year’s 221B Con and the cases of COVID-19 which have been identified in the United States. We share your concerns and, utilizing Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization guidelines, have worked hard to come up with an actionable plan to prevent an outbreak of coronavirus at 221B Con.
We have restructured programming in order to add a 15-minute break between all panels. During this time, we will disinfect each panel room using EPA approved cleaning supplies listed by the Center for Biocide Chemistries in their CDC approved list of products for use against viral pathogens. This between panel cleaning will include, but not be limited to, door handles, chairs, tables, and panelist microphones.
Working with the hotel, we will be limiting the convention space to con attendees only, where possible.
Each panel room and all common areas where it is feasible will be stocked with readily available disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer that meets the CDC recommended alcohol content of 60%.
We believe that these precautions, paired with our members’ awareness of the need for frequent hand-washing and other common-sense prevention methods, will help protect everyone at our event.
Nerdlesque is coming to 221 B
We are super excited to announce that Nerdlesque will be joining us for 221B Con 2020. Tickets for their performance are available.
Sherry Thomas is coming to 221B
We are super excited to announce that Sherry Thomas will be joining us for 221B Con 2020. Head on over to the Guests page for more information. Welcome, Sherry!
Lyndsay Faye is coming to 221B
We are super excited to announce that Lyndsay Faye will be joining us for 221B Con 2020. Head on over to the Guests page for more information. Welcome, Lyndsay!
David Nellist unable to attend
Due to work commitments David Nellist will be unable to attend 221B Con 2020. We hope he will join us again in the future. Meanwhile, keep an eye out on our Guests page to see who we announce next.